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- FIRE FROM THE SKY: Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles
- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 14:
- God did not say, "Righteousness will make you free." He did not say,
- "Obedience shall make you free." Obedience to a preacher, pope, pastor or
- guru WILL NOT DO IT. Neither will counting beads, ringing gongs, sitting
- cross-legged or chanting mantras. HE SAID THAT "THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU
- FREE." (John 8:32)
- We have lost a great deal of our freedoms, (and what is so appalling, most
- people are not even aware of it!) and are fast losing the rest. This must
- mean there is not much truth known and being taught! It is time we search
- for real truth!
- I have been asked for the rest of the story about what happened with the
- American Space Shuttle Program, so I will try to add more information as I
- have a chance. Now to continue the story.
- In my previous writing, I said that the "End of the World" was set for 3:00
- PM E.D.T., Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), Friday, September 17, 1982.
- At exactly 3:01 PM E.D.T. all of Russia would be in darkness. When the
- Indian Ocean Satellite signal would arrive confirming the American Phantom
- aircraft attack, it would be followed within a minute or so by the EMP
- episode described previously. This would signal all U.S. military forces to
- launch a full scale "retaliatory" nuclear attack against Russia.
- Obviously this did not happen, and I did not go into detail at the time
- about what really happened.
- A syndicated article published by *NEWSDAY* said that on June 10, 1982:
- "President Reagan stunned allies at the NATO summit by telling them that as
- far as he is concerned the Soviet Union is at war with the United States,
- European officials said last week. The statement, which came as the
- President was summing up his views on the two-day meeting in Bonn, so
- surprised the other heads of state that they remained silent, and NATO
- Secretary General Joseph Luns immediately adjourned the session, according
- to these officials who were present at the summit a month ago."
- For several years prior the war had raged between the U.S. and the Soviet
- Union. There was just no public admission of the fact that the war was
- already under way between the superpowers.
- On July 13, *Pravda* published a speech by Soviet Defense Minister Marshal
- Ustinov which said that the U.S. was orchestrating a trade, credit and
- technological war against the Soviet Union. He also gave a blunt warning to
- Washington that a: "...pre-emptive first-strike use of nuclear weapons
- could not insure an American victory."
- This indicated that Russia's new leaders knew about the Reagan
- Administration plan to launch nuclear war soon and they were prepared to
- defeat the Bolshevik-triggered American first strike if it was carried out.
- The Satanic Bolshevik-Zionist (Reagan/Begin) axis did not listen. They
- plunged right ahead with plans for all-out nuclear war.
- They had a 5-part plan.
- Part 1 was to stir up as much internal turmoil in Russia and her satellites
- as possible. This included sabotaging an Aeroflot jet which crashed in
- Moscow on July 6 (are any of you watching what is currently going on over
- there?)
- Part 2 called for conditioning the American people for war (anything like
- that going on now?).
- Part 3 of the plan involved the Space Shuttle Program. *Columbia STS-1* was
- launched April 12, 1981, on the 20th anniversary of the first orbital space
- flight of Russian Yuri Gagarin (and about two weeks after the "attempted
- assassination" of President Reagan). It was shot down by two Russian
- Cosmospheres. Astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen were burned up when
- it crashed 85 miles south of Kazan in central Russia. A fake landing was
- staged at Edwards Air Force Base using the Shuttle *Enterprise* and actors.
- *Columbia STS-2* was launched November 12, 1981. It supposedly carried
- Astronauts Joseph Engle and Richard Truly. In fact there were no human
- pilots aboard. It was shot down by Russian TU-144 jet airplanes using beam
- weapons, over the White Sea (near Finland on your map).
- *Columbia STS-3* was launched March 22, 1982. It was supposed to orbit a
- special new Spy Satellite. It was hardened against attack from Russia's
- space weapons and armed with a robot-controlled laser that could shoot
- back. In addition, the Shuttle itself was armed with lasers on this third
- try. It landed one day behind schedule on March 30, 1982 at White Sands.
- That is, something landed. Astronauts Lousma and Fullerton successfully
- deployed a new laser-armed spy satellite then abandoned ship and entered an
- escape capsule and returned to Earth splashdown in the Indian Ocean. From
- there they were flown to White Sands Missile Range, where they later faked
- another Shuttle landing.
- The "End of the World" was set for 3:00 PM E.D.T., Friday, Rosh Hashanah,
- Feast of Trumpets, September 17, 1982. However, what the Superspy Satellite
- found scared them into waiting, and the new launch date for Nuclear War One
- was eventually rescheduled for Feast of Trumpets, Thursday, September 20,
- 1990. This is where I left off in the previous article.
- *STS-4* was launched June 24, 1982, with Astronauts Thomas Mattingly and
- Henry Hartsfield (STS is Space Transportation System). Its purpose was to
- deploy a satellite that would be used to confirm the Phantom aircraft
- attack which was then the go-ahead for launching the nuclear missiles upon
- Russian targets. The Attack Confirmation Sensor was placed in geostationary
- orbit over the Indian Ocean by an auxiliary rocket. It was a cryogenic
- satellite - that is, it was maintained at super-cold temperatures close to
- absolute zero. This cold state was intended to protect the satellite from
- detection by Russian space weapons which would be partially based on "heat"
- (infrared) sensors.
- For several years prior to 1982 the American scientific Intelligence
- analysts knew that the Russians had a new technology for target
- acquisition. The Russian technique was not radar, nor was it any other
- conventional means of detecting and tracking targets. The technique was
- deadly accurate, reliable, and, unlike radar, impossible to jam. Analysts
- were convinced they had figured out what the Russian technique was. They
- believed it was a Russian version of computer-enhanced infra-red detection.
- This was then developed in the U.S. and was called CEIR (see-er).
- Shortly after development, a CEIR-equipped American laser was used to shoot
- down a Russian Cosmosphere. All objects warmer than absolute zero emit
- infra-red radiation. The warmer the object is, the more infra-red for sensors
- to detect it. The only way to hide from CEIR is, therefore, to reduce the
- temperature as low as possible. That is why the Air Force Attack
- Confirmation Sensor was a cryogenic satellite.
- When our government tells us that the Shuttle payloads are carrying
- equipment to peer through clouds and electronic shields around planets and
- so on, don't you believe it. They are trying to develop a weapon they feel
- will give them the advantage when they launch all-out nuclear war, which
- they have tried to do several times. What do you think is really going on
- now with Korea, Haiti, Bosnia, Iraq, etc.?
- Back to Shuttle mission #4. A liquid helium cooling system was originally
- used to keep the satellite only a few degrees above absolute zero, reducing
- infra-red emissions to nearly nothing.
- The cryogenic design of the Air Force satellite was what gave the Bolshevik
- war planners so much confidence that it would succeed. They were sure that
- the Russians would be unable to find it in time to destroy it before it was
- used in war.
- WRONG! The Pentagon Bolsheviks were wrong about the new Russian
- target-tracking technique. It was not an infra-red technique at all;
- instead, it was a revolutionary system which detects the atomic vibrations
- of matter. The Russians call it Psychoenergetic Range Finding, or PRF. The
- Russians regarded it as their master secret weapon. The longer it remained
- a mystery to the American Bolsheviks, the better it would be for Russia and
- so, when Space Shuttle #4 launched the Attack Confirmation Sensor in June,
- the Russians began the game playing.
- Instead of destroying the satellite right away, they allowed it to be
- orbited successfully. The Russians knew that the Attack Confirmation
- Satellite could do them no harm until war itself was about to begin, so
- they allowed it to stay there untouched for as long as possible. The result
- was exactly as expected: The long term survival of the Air Force Sensor
- convinced the Bolsheviks that they were right about Russia using CEIR. The
- Pentagon had walked right into a major intelligence blunder and the
- Russians were encouraging them to keep it up.
- Throughout the summer Rockefeller cartel operatives within the CIA fed
- updates about the Pentagon war plan to the Russians. Those reports
- continued to say that the war timetable was remaining unchanged, targeted
- for mid-September, so the Russian Space Command let the Air Force Sensor
- alone for the interim time.
- Meanwhile, the Russians began preparing in a totally unsuspected way for
- the moment when they would destroy the satellite. Those preparations had to
- do with Russia's international telephone service.
- WITH RUSSIA! Our government, friends. THEY HAD A BACKUP PLAN. If something
- happened to the Attack Confirmation Sensor, they could still tell whether
- or not the Phantom planes took out the Russian space bases, because the
- attack would shut down the Soviet telephone system!
- Or so they thought.
- In order to keep our Intelligence analysts from guessing what was afoot,
- the Russians resorted to a little disinformation in the right places. They
- created falsified leaks that there were unsettled conditions in the
- Kremlin, a power struggle (just like what is said to be going on over there
- right now). The Bolsheviks in the U.S., who are always struggling for
- power, swallowed the bait completely. First, in June of 1982 the Soviet
- Union drastically reduced the number of telephone links to the West. They
- also made clouded threats to reduce service still further at a later date.
- The next major step was to suddenly cut off all automatic dialing service
- to and from the West. The U.S. Bolsheviks were startled but still did not
- suspect what it really meant. They were too preoccupied with rumblings of
- trouble in China to worry for long about Russia's telephones.
- On April 21 the Rockefeller faction scored a major gain, while all eyes
- were on the Falklands crisis. The Bolshevik Admiral Bobby Inman was forced
- out as Deputy Director of the CIA and replaced by the Rockefeller man John
- McMahon. On June 24 the Shuttle was launched, and the next day a coup
- occurred when Rockefeller operative Alexander Haig was forced TO RESIGN and
- Bolshevik/Zionist (BZ) GEORGE SHULTZ took over as Secretary of State.
- The World War III (Nuclear War I) date was set for September 17 (Feast of
- Trumpets), but on September 1 Communist Party Chairman Hu Yaobang dropped a
- bombshell at the Party Congress in Peking. He declared that China should no
- longer ally itself with the U.S. against Russia; instead Hu said China
- should regard both superpowers as equal threats but at the same time he
- included some conciliatory language toward Russia and said high Russian
- officials would come to China to begin talks around mid-month at China's
- invitation!
- By disowning the Sino-American alliance, Hu Yaobang made it clear that the
- secret American Stealth attack-base IN CHINA WAS IN SERIOUS JEOPARDY.
- That base, located in Red China's western Sinkiang Province, was essential
- for the intended attack on Russia's two Cosmosphere bases in Siberia. That
- war base was the reason for the joint communique of August 17 by the U.S.
- and Red China concerning Taiwan.
- The communique committed the U.S. to discontinue arms delivery to Taiwan at
- some future date in violation of Reagan's past pledges. The communique was
- agreed to in order to head off a threatened shutdown of the Stealth base by
- the Chinese, but it was not enough to satisfy the Chinese.
- On September 6 former President Richard Nixon arrived in Peking, adding
- further to the troubles of the Pentagon war-planners (think about what has
- happened recently with Clinton-Carter, Korea-Haiti and such. THINK!) Nixon
- had long been cooperating with the Rockefeller cartel.
- Nixon went to Peking as a Rockefeller envoy and one with far more
- credibility for the Chinese than anyone the Bolsheviks had. Nixon shocked
- the Chinese by confirming what Russian sources had already told them - that
- the Stealth base was about to be used in war.
- Nixon then counseled them not to shut down the base outright at that time
- for fear of undesirable reactions by the trigger-happy Pentagon Bolsheviks.
- Instead, he urged the Chinese to start interfering with operations of the
- Stealth base by bureaucratic devices. That is one thing the Chinese are
- very, very good at, and they accepted Nixon's advice.
- By September 9 the American Stealth base in Sinkiang Province was
- effectively put out of action. Critical base personnel were tangled up in
- Chinese "red" tape, preventing them from reporting for duty. The Chinese
- were giving hints to Washington that all this was due to continued
- dissatisfaction over Taiwan but the real reason was that they wanted no
- part of a nuclear war with Russia and Russia would have taken that base
- right off the map.
- The Kremlin received word through Rockefeller channels on September 9 that
- the Sinkiang Province Stealth base had been effectively neutralized. At
- that point the Russians could rest assured that even if the Pentagon went
- through with its nuclear attack plan, Russia's Cosmospheres would survive
- quite nicely. Russia's critical space triad of strategic weapons COULD NOT
- The next Friday, September 10, there was a sudden total shutdown of most
- International Telephone service to and from Russia but, in order to send a
- message to America's Bolshevik war planners, a few selected circuits were
- kept open. Those included Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, and Tallinn. Their
- significance lay in the fact that none were targets planned for the initial
- Stealth attack.
- The phone lines were cut off at 7:10 AM E.D.T., or 2:10 PM Moscow time.
- Moments later the Russian Space Command went to work.
- A Russian Jumbo Cosmosphere was parked in a pseudo-orbit about two miles
- above the Air Force Attack Confirmation satellite. It had been there for
- well over two months - from the moment the satellite was launched into
- orbit from Space Shuttle #4.
- By using its electromagnetic propulsion system at low power the Cosmosphere
- had remained on station instead of slowly drifting away as a normal
- satellite would and, parked as it was above the downward looking Air Force
- satellite, the presence of the Cosmosphere was never detected.
- The time had come! The Cosmosphere aimed its beam weapon and fired. Shortly
- after 7:10 AM E.D.T. on Friday, September 10, there was very bad news for
- the Bolsheviks. At the newly operational Air Force Space Command in
- Colorado Springs (which used Control Data Corporation computers) there was
- a sudden loss of signal from their Indian Ocean satellite.
- At first they could not believe that their critical Attack Confirmation
- Satellite had been attacked. All sorts of things were tried in an effort to
- reestablish contact with the satellite - all to no avail. The satellite no
- longer existed!
- However, their attitude was, it really didn't matter. America was going to
- be sucked into a totally annihilating war at any rate. We are speaking
- about reactions and actions regarding the planned war - not what was or was
- not actually possible.
- As that Friday morning of September 10 wore on, the "Project Z" war
- planners were convened in crisis conference. The question was: What do we
- do now?
- Someone suggested falling back to the back-up plan based on the telephones.
- "We can still go with the back-up plan - every target in Russia that is
- attacked by our birds will be obliterated. If international telephone
- service to Russian target areas is suddenly cut off at zero hour, we can
- assume that our birds made it."
- There is always someone who didn't get the word. Nearly everyone yelled at
- him, "The Russian phones are already shut down!!"
- For a while there was an atmosphere of near panic. Some were sure that a
- first strike by Russia was sure to follow and that the Pentagon should push
- the Nuclear Button without delay.
- Others argues that if that were the Kremlin's intention, it was already too
- late - Russia's missiles would be on the way already. Someone suggested
- that the whole Project Z war plan be aborted and rescheduled for later on.
- Everyone agreed on one thing: without the Attack Confirmation Sensor, any
- attack on Russia had become far more risky. After launching the Stealth
- planes from Norway and Turkey, it would just have to be assumed that they
- had destroyed their targets. But, you see, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE! With the
- Attack Confirmation Satellite gone there would be no way to confirm that,
- so the all-out follow-up attack by America's nuclear forces might run into
- a lot more than just the trouble which might have been expected. Not much
- has changed, friends, we are still ruled by snakes!
- The Russians kept the International phone lines shut down for seven hours
- that day. They wanted to make sure that if the Pentagon Bolsheviks pushed
- the Panic Button, they would obtain absolutely no intelligence at all by
- monitoring telephone circuits. After the first two hours of the morning
- blackout, Secretary of State George Shultz was asked by reporters about it.
- Shultz told them, "It is very significant," but would say no more.
- The idiots still planned to go through with it, and the go-ahead was set
- for Rosh Hashanah. Project Z would continue on schedule. Meanwhile, every
- effort would be made to cut through the Chinese red tape that was
- restricting use of the critical base in Sinkiang Province. At the same
- time, it was decided to set other plans in motion, too, just in case
- Project Z should finally fall through.
- The countdown continued until Z-Day, Friday morning on September 17. At
- about 8:30 AM in Washington, a well-known national newspaper reporter was
- interviewed on the Washington NBC radio station, WRC. The reporter of the
- *Washington Post* called attention to the war warning he had learned about
- as set forth herein.
- He outlined the plan briefly for everyone listening in the Washington
- metropolitan area, and he added that, "if the Pentagon did have such a
- plan, public exposure through information brought forth had probably
- reduced the chances that it would be carried out!"
- The countdown was called off with less than five hours to go. It has been
- rescheduled and aborted at least four times since then, including, as well
- as I can figure it out, the last time was Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)
- this past month (September 1994).
- When ancient Israel was warned about Nebuchadnezzar, they said, "We are
- God's people, God will protect us." The survivors were marched naked into
- captivity in Babylon. In 70 AD the Jews in Jerusalem said, "We are God's
- people, God will save us." They all died.
- I continually hear good people today saying, "I can not do anything about
- it; I leave it up to God; it is HIS will." BUT GOD SAYS, I GIVE YOU FREE
- 13:8). If you sit and do nothing, while your enemy works to destroy you,
- then you will be destroyed. Free Will is God's Will. So be it.
- Have a nice day.